All that You Need to Know About Tom Hanks' Coronavirus Diagnosis

Tom Hanks tested positive for coronavirus!!

Tom Hanks tested positive for coronavirus who else from Hanks his family is also sick , how do they feel and what will happen to them next.
Tom was filming  a new movie in Australia and that's where he contracted the corona virus the virus got onto the movie set with a member of the production team all the cast and crew were ordered to take tests and not only Tom turned out to be positive his wife Rita Wilson also has corona virus.
What at Amin Rita's condition now Tomwrote about the symptomshe and his wife have felt a bit tired like we had colds and some body aches had some chills that came and went .
slight fevers - what will happen to Tom and Rita next the couple is now in isolation in hospital .
Tom wrote the medical officials have protocols that must be followed , we Hanks's will be tested observed and isolated for as long as Public Health and Safety requires, what comment did Hanks his son give about all this Jetts has given an update on his parents health " yeah it's true may parents got coronavirus crazy they're both down in Australia right now because my dad was shooting a movie down there but I just got off the phone with them they both are fine they're not even that sick they're not worried".
About it the it the premier of Queensland also gave comments she said that "health officials would conduct contact tracing to determine who had been in close contact with Tom and Rita over the day. ".
A lot of  fans took a photo with the actor recently does this mean , that they are all at risk now the premier said " from what the chief health officer has told me it's over 15 minutes of being in very close contact so a selfie wouldn't count as that."
She also promised Hanks would get the best treatment, " I'm very confident with the physicians that we have that will be treating Tom and his wife and like i said, we wish them all thevery best for a speedy recovery. ", of course Tom andRita will return to US only after the necessary quarentine and full recovery", , what is the situation with coronavirus in the USA now covid 19 cases surpassed 265001 in the US ,6766 deaths,11983 recovereds.
World Health Organization recommends regulary and thoroughly clean your hands maintain at least 3.5 feet social distance avoid touching eyes nose and mouth with hands, cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze stay home if you feel and well if you have a fever cough and difficulty breathing seekmedical attention , but call in advance follow advice given by your health care provider and stay informed on the latest developments.

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